Thank You for being a part of 2024 😎
Here we are Everyone, Last Day of 2024
​This has been some year.
I wanted to say Thank You to all of you for being a part of our journey.
Everyone that we work with, to all of you that read our emails, blog post, social media post.
This year we went on a journey that we are still on and have tried to share as much of it as possible.
For a lot of reasons...but Primarily because we Coach people on habits and routines when it comes to their food, training, and mindset...we wanted to take you on this roller coaster ride to show you how it can all get done.
No Matter What.
So here is a quick little recap of our 2024
With all that said, 2024 has given us so much insight.
Nothing and I repeat NOTHING matters more than our health
You can't enjoy any of life's gifts without your health, can't go to work, take care of your kids, your family or anyone that you take care of.
So while we are personally always mindful, this year or closing this year we wanted to be INTENTIONAL about it.
Not what I want to share today, but I had a lot of things to work on that were in my control, but as always what a great experiment.
And while I am not proud of where I allowed my numbers to get, I am certainly happy about where they are today, and again further CEMENTING Proof that we are on the right track when it comes to this food and training "stuff"...
And before you think I'm talking about the 3 digit number you see on the scale, no people...way more serious, I'm talking about the 3 digit BP number, the 3 digit Chol and TG number, the numbers in my blood work
I am sharing more about this in my NXT video and my current 75 Hard journey here:
And today on this last Day of 2024, I am half way through. Day 37!!
That means everything I advised all of you to do 5 weeks ago got done.
I am closing the year with 74 Workouts Completed in 37 Days, I have consumed 314.5 pounds of water in 37 Days, I have read over 370 pages. You can't imagine the momentum!!
Tomorrow on January 1st I move on to a regular Day for me, which includes 2 workouts, 1 gallon of water, 10 pages, all my food...just another day.
And my biggest wish for all of you is the same....I want all of you to work on YOURSELVES....the reward is so much greater than you can imagine.
I want to wish all of you an INCREDIBLE New Year and again THANK YOU for being a part of our Journey!
Coach, Lais, Bri and Jr